BUSINESS consulting & 

Alongside building and scaling a successful wellness interior design studio and business consultancy,  I've over 20 years experience leading sales and marketing teams to success across retail, health & wellness and design sectors. 

Since qualifying as a leadership and impact business coach, in 2005, I have gone onto coach and consult within a wide range of businesses, from global wellness brands to solo entrepreneurs, in driving growth and profitability, using my signature methodology: The Conscious Business Growth Method built on 3 key pillars:

         Conscious leadership - intuitive, purposeful and authentic.

         Purpose-driven, aligned business strategy.

         Strategic 'done for you' sales and marketing tools and resources to                 attract consistent, highly converting clients effectively and efficiently.

Are you a budding entrepreneur or an established business that isn't growing?

Custom sessions to explore, plan and activate your aligned, purposeful business strategy.  Tailored specifically to your needs & goals, we'll pinpoint your priorities, growth drivers and next best moves.

1:1 custom strategy sessions  

Your step-by-step roadmap to launching a new business or offering. All the tools, resources and 'done for you' editable templates, fully supported with 1:1 guidance and accountability. 

For business owners and entrepreneurs ready to level up. Strategic and targeted 1:1 coaching & direction. Customised 'done for you' sales & marketing tools, templates and resources to attract consistent, highly converting clients. 

business growth accelerator
1:1 mentorship program

book a free mini session

ways to work together

passion to profit
1:1 mentorship program

book a free mini session

book a free mini session

talk to anna about coaching

“You have shown me the value of trust in business and will always remain a major contributor behind my success and achievements” 

desh ru 
 CEo & founder 

Frequently Asked Questions

q: how does business coaching work

A: Whether you book individual sessions, or a program, we always begin with a 1:1 session to tune into your priorities and goals. The  programs and modules have been designed to provide you with a roadmap and strategic tools & templates for business growth, however I pride myself in getting to know you and your business intimately, so we can and do pivot accordingly! We'll constantly be reviewing, seeking feedback and adapting. Openness, honesty and a can-do attitude from both sides is a pre-requisite! 

Q:  which business areas are your speciality?

A: Our team have decades of experience of driving growth in both small businesses and large global brands in the health, wellness and design space. Our secret sauce is in knowing how to find your ideal customers and how to sell to them, without them feeling "sold to".  To solve their problems, effectively communicate the benefits of your product/service and overcome their objections. To create purposeful B2B & B2C sales, marketing and business development strategies and tools that target, convert and retain clients. We'll lead, coach, support you and/or your team to sell like a pro and find strategic partnerships and collaborations you've only ever dreamed of!

Q: WHat can I expect in a 1:1 session ?

A: Everyone's needs are different, however, every session will have clear aims linked to your priorities and growth drivers. Each session will often be focused on a specific business area, for which you'll have completed some pre-work in one of my many comprehensive workbooks. We'll deep dive key areas together and explore any challenges or blocks to ensure you leave each session and module confident and capable.  

Q: can you help me get my business off the ground?

A: Another big YES! We have helped multiple start ups (see Desh Ru in the green shirt above) and launched and scaled our own start ups, so you can be certain we know all the tricks, and pitfalls. We'll help you with business planning, branding, web design, business processes, sales & marketing strategy and coaching on team leadership, pitching, sales training - anything related to finding and converting customers! Whether you are a budding entrepreneur with a seed of an idea or you've launched and struggling to scale, we can bring a fresh pair of eyes, energy and experience to help you reach for the stars!